Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
S.E.S. College formed the Internal Quality Assurance Cell on 1st July 2014. The IQAC is the pivotal body of the college which directs all the efforts of the institution for the realisation and manifestation of quality enhancement. The IQAC functions to urge and encourage the departments in all their scholastic and non scholastic activities which focus on the total quality management of the institution. The institutional policy with regard to quality assurance is to enhance research facilities, to start more courses/programmes and develop infrastructure facilities. It acts as an advisory body for academic and co-curricular activities. The IQAC identifies the academic and infrastructural needs of the institution and takes necessary steps to fulfil them . The IQAC functions with the help of various committees that discharge multiple duties and responsibilities to promote the development of the institution. It also acts as a link between the Management, Staff and students, Alumni, public, University and the like. The IQAC focuses on the provisions for exemplification of excellence in all domains of the college. Quality
education coupled with a healthy attitude to life is the main agenda of the IQAC.
Objectives and Functions of IQAC
- The Internal Quality Assurance Cell was framed to design, supervise and keep track of
academic and administrative activities of institution
- Design, guide and monitor day today academic and administrative activities of college
through periodic assessment.
- Dynamize and accelerate academic environment for promotion of the quality of
teaching-learning and research.
- Promotion of self evaluation, accountability and innovations
- Facilitation of collaboration, training and consultancy for promotion and sustenance.
- Evolve parameters for various activities of the college .
- Promotion of a learning environment ,which is conducive to quality education which is
productive for the recipient.
- Maintenance of a feedback system among students, parents and other stakeholders on
attributes related to quality of institutional operations .
- Organize seminars and workshops for the expansion of the horizon of knowledge.
- Stimulate proper documentation for making everything more accountable.
- Adoption and dissemination of Best practices
- Materialise a proper database of college through Management Information System
- Preparation and submission of AQAR ,which details into the yearly activities of the