Name of Convener :Dr.Reena Sebastain
HOD , Dept.of Mathematics
phone number:9499830766
1. Sri.Preju K Paul
2. Smt.Punya Prakash
3. Sri. Gopalakrishnan P R
4. Smt. Soumya Maria jacob
5. Dr. Rejith PP
The College has a Students' Grievance Redressal Committee. The functions of the Committee are to look into the complaints lodged by any student, and judge its merit. The Grievance Redressal Committee is also empowered to look into matters of harassment.Students grievance cell attempts to redress the genuine grievances of the students. Complaints related to academic matters can be brought before the grievance cell.
The specific objectives of the grievance redressal cell are specified below:
The students, staff and parents are ought to lodge their grievances in the prescribed form available in the college website. The form, duly filled, is required to be submitted to the Co ordinator or any member of the grievance committee or drop in the suggestion / complaint box placed outside the Principal's office. The students are allowed to drop in written grievance letter also. The co ordinator/ member in turn intimates the matter to the committee chaired by the Principal for necessary action. Decision based on grievances received and resolved will be intimated to the complainant at the earliest.
Application Form